BY CATHERINE DAVIS | February 8th, 2023
Listen & Study Services' Commentary:
II am not shocked by this news at all since school buses have become safe havens for bullies. I knew what I would find in my search for statistics about how often this tragedy occurs here in the United States. I found a whole slew of incidences relating to school bus bullying. See that in the 'More Information' section below:
What I did find interesting was some of the comments on this violent video that the Twitter user used Twitter's Warning of 'Violent Content' which blocks out images and video thumbnails for sensitive viewers. Some people commented that they think the teen (but they didn't mention the other child who was striking the 9-year-old) should go to prison. I disagree! Prison would make an even worse menace to society out of him. However, I do agree he (the teen) should suffer the consequences of his actions.
For example, I agree with one person who replied to the (OP) Original Poster that there should be schools where bad kids must attend. And, those schools should have police on every floor. Great thinking I thought! But, then I remember a school like that in the town I lived in. It was considered to be an Alternative School for children with behavioral problems. So, while I clicked like on his reply, I was not in full agreement with what he wrote because that school turned out gang bangers and other problem child-adults.
Then, I came up with the idea to change how a school like that should run. Most of the Alternative school kids came from poor families. While I know there isn’t any excuse for acting out and harming another human being; however, I know that poverty was and still is at the root of much of their bad and even criminal behavior.
Hence why I suggest those children should receive all the necessities that children from wealthier families receive. For example, they should be given new school books & accessories such as pencils, pins, etc., a book bag, and any other necessities not mentioned here. And, even though many of them will still become deviant lawbreakers, many more of them will not after this intervention!
There is one example of this kind of method to reverse prisoner (criminal) behavior: That is, how old prisons, in Amsterdam, are being turned into luxury hotels. The country has had huge drops in incarceration rates! View this video in the ‘Related Story’ section below for details:
If adults turn all Schools; especially, ‘Alternative Schools’ into clean and safe (The replier’s idea to have a police presence would be included in my idea) environments with all necessary school supplies, I bet we’d see a drastic change in troubled child behavior.
Maybe this bully teen is being bullied at home! That is a big probability! He’ll more than likely wind up in prison or a boy’s home or the like! But, he is a prime example of what my idea represents.
You’re dreaming Catherine!:
Maybe you’re right! I know the powers that be (US money-making prisons) would do their best to stop this kind of idea! But, “I can still dream, can’t I?”
Do you have a better plan than mine? Let me know in the Facebook Comment Section below:
The Source:
Listen & Study Services' Commentary:
II am not shocked by this news at all since school buses have become safe havens for bullies. I knew what I would find in my search for statistics about how often this tragedy occurs here in the United States. I found a whole slew of incidences relating to school bus bullying. See that in the 'More Information' section below:
What I did find interesting was some of the comments on this violent video that the Twitter user used Twitter's Warning of 'Violent Content' which blocks out images and video thumbnails for sensitive viewers. Some people commented that they think the teen (but they didn't mention the other child who was striking the 9-year-old) should go to prison. I disagree! Prison would make an even worse menace to society out of him. However, I do agree he (the teen) should suffer the consequences of his actions.
For example, I agree with one person who replied to the (OP) Original Poster that there should be schools where bad kids must attend. And, those schools should have police on every floor. Great thinking I thought! But, then I remember a school like that in the town I lived in. It was considered to be an Alternative School for children with behavioral problems. So, while I clicked like on his reply, I was not in full agreement with what he wrote because that school turned out gang bangers and other problem child-adults.
Then, I came up with the idea to change how a school like that should run. Most of the Alternative school kids came from poor families. While I know there isn’t any excuse for acting out and harming another human being; however, I know that poverty was and still is at the root of much of their bad and even criminal behavior.
Hence why I suggest those children should receive all the necessities that children from wealthier families receive. For example, they should be given new school books & accessories such as pencils, pins, etc., a book bag, and any other necessities not mentioned here. And, even though many of them will still become deviant lawbreakers, many more of them will not after this intervention!
There is one example of this kind of method to reverse prisoner (criminal) behavior: That is, how old prisons, in Amsterdam, are being turned into luxury hotels. The country has had huge drops in incarceration rates! View this video in the ‘Related Story’ section below for details:
If adults turn all Schools; especially, ‘Alternative Schools’ into clean and safe (The replier’s idea to have a police presence would be included in my idea) environments with all necessary school supplies, I bet we’d see a drastic change in troubled child behavior.
Maybe this bully teen is being bullied at home! That is a big probability! He’ll more than likely wind up in prison or a boy’s home or the like! But, he is a prime example of what my idea represents.
You’re dreaming Catherine!:
Maybe you’re right! I know the powers that be (US money-making prisons) would do their best to stop this kind of idea! But, “I can still dream, can’t I?”
Do you have a better plan than mine? Let me know in the Facebook Comment Section below:
The Source:
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