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L&SS - Info - Symmetry Virtual Assistant Services:
Drill ME Sessions:
Presentation or Language; Book Review;
and other SESSIONS...
Drill Me Sessions:
Our Featured Service:
*Drill Session: Language Review Practice Session.
Your Practice Language - Take a Tour (Free Trial - 1 time only- 15 minute session). |
More Virtual Assistant Services':
*Standard Drill Session: For precision recall of your choice of material(s). Rules Apply. This service is good for:
Helping you recall pertinent information that you may need for a work or school project such as an Oral Presentation.
Take a Tour... (Free Trial - 1 time only- 15 minute session).
*Drill Session: School Exam Prep Projects:
A L&SS Representative (Disclaimer: Listen & Study Services is not a licensed educational facility) would ask you various questions that are typically (English speaking questions) asked on high school college prep exams. (Disclaimer: There isn't any way for us (L&SS) to know exact or current SAT or similar test's current questions). Rules Apply. A L&SS Rep would ask you various questions that are typically (English speaking questions) asked on high school college prep exams. |
Helps to prepare students to score well on school performance exams.
Take A Tour... (Free Trial - 1 time only- 15 minute session). |
*Favorite Book Review Session: Rules Apply. Only books purchased prior to your Book Review Session allowed during your session; we would not have time for you to purchase the book you wish us to read to you. Adult literature, such as that of a sexual nature or propaganda such as religious material or highly controversial or political text, are not allowed. Violent books may be allowed depending on our (L&SS's) discretion. WE reserve all rights to decline sessions which violate Listen & Study Services' Book Review Sessions Policies. Take a Tour... (Free Trial - 1 time only- 15 minute session).
*Typing Projects: We are here to do your whole typing project for you; if you want! Rules Apply! This service is good for:
*Help with a Writing Project: Includes a Text Recording (1 time only two page limit). Ex: An Essay -We help you find primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. Take a Tour...
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