by Catherine Davis | March 18, 2020
Commentator, Chief Editor, L&SS
So you recently went grocery shopping and picked up enough food (food haul) to help you and your family stay this ominous virus that's been scary most of us since December 2019!
Answer this question, "While you shopped, did the shopping cart you used give you the 'Heebie-jeebies'?" If not, you are amongst a rare few these days! Additional to being concerned about the germs and possible coronavirus on the cart, you should have also been concerned about the air you breathed while shopping too, according to this latest article titled, "Coronavirus: Covid-19 bug can persist in air [from asymptomatic people (aerosol after someone coughed or sneezed)] for [3] hours and on surfaces for days, study shows" -written by WASHINGTON (REUTERS).
But, 'No Worries', try not to panic, I am not trying to fear-monger; I wrote this commentary to help those of us who have been shamed for wearing surgical masks and buying more groceries than usual because of the coronavirus pandemic. There are people in news-threads all over the internet telling off others because they found empty shelves at their neighborhood grocery store. These are the same grocery stores they'd finally planned to buy in bulk since hearing how the coronavirus has infected so many more thousands of people in recent days.
Many people are making fun of many others for doing what they wished they had done initially before the shopping panic set in - that is, they wished they'd purchased enough food, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, etc., to last them and their family at least a couple of weeks so they could ride out the worst part of this virus scare. These days, there are very few people going to the store to get just a few items; just look at all the empty grocery shelves around the world.
Customers are shopping for the long run so that they don't have to be in close proximity to other shoppers who might have COVID19 and spread it to them via air, surfaces, or droplets (coughed or sneezed on them). Why are so many faulting them for this?
Now of course, there are real hoarders on the loose (I'm referring to the United States). They buy on high-demand products such as hand sanitizer for low prices in order to sell them for outrageous prices later (Price - gouging - it is illegal in many states).
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Not to be confused with asymptotic.
Pulmonary contusion due to trauma is an example of a condition that can be asymptomatic with half of people showing no signs at the initial presentation since such symptoms can take time to develop. The CT scan shows a pulmonary contusion (red arrow) accompanied by a rib fracture (purple arrow).In medicine, a disease is considered asymptomatic if a patient is a carrier for a disease or infection but experiences no symptoms. A condition might be asymptomatic if it fails to show the noticeable symptoms with which it is usually associated. Asymptomatic infections are also called subclinical infections. Other diseases (such as mental illnesses) might be considered subclinical if they present some but not all of the symptoms required for a clinical diagnosis. The term clinically silent is also used.
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