Vaping And Brain Damage
What you're about to learn may save someones life; maybe that life will be your own.
I never want to or purposely preach at anyone, so I'll get right to what I want to say. I am nervous about writing this blog post because in the past, after telling a loved one that her heart attacks at age 25 were scaring me, she didn't take my concern for her health in a positive way. She became indignant and said that I shouldn't talk about death and dying. Of course, at the time, her reaction to my concern for her was and still is not out of the norm for most family members of a certain age group. We were taught growing up that you just don't discuss death. Period. The reason for this was/is because many people are superstitious and thus believe that talking about them (specifically) dying will bring death on earlier than it would have come had you not brought the topic to light. This relative of mine was a heavy eater and overweight (not morbid). I was also overweight, but I was not the one with a heart problem. My relative would consume mass quantities of pork and other unhealthy foods such as pizza and burritos full of cheese, fried pig skins, among a host of other terribly fattening food stuffs. Many people don't want anyone talking about dying too because they think you just want to boss them around. I had had enough with watching her (my relative) kill herself slowly, so I said something about dying too young. She said to me,"Aw Cathy, why you wanna talk about that? Don't you know that's bad luck?" I didn't care about her protest any longer. I told her that she was killing herself. She resented that day for quite a few years. Since she never had another heart attack, and we live in different states, I am not sure if she's changed her diet, but I won't continue to let anyone's decision to not take care of their health put me in a state of panic everytime I see them doing something unhealthy. Speaking of an unhealthy activity besides eating a bunch of junk, what about this latest craze, 'vaping'? I'm writing this commentary to do the same thing, I did with my relative, with all of you my family and friends who vape. The sad thing about this vaping news is, most people who vape, will continue to do so despite the adverse physical risk! :'( I pray for you family and friends to somehow overcome your addiction to nicotine. Please, please don't get brain damage (Dementia). I had a job once working with people who each had one of those dreaded diseases. You know what surprised me the most about those patients? There were about three of them who were in their 60's. That's Way To Young to lose your mind. One lady was so kind, but when she was in a confused moment and couldn't get back into her room, she'd have a meltdown and put her fist up, shake it and say something like, "Whoever did this...(forgotten words), I'm going to... (more forgotten words." I felt so sorry for her that she was stuck living with elderly people in their 80's-90's. She was about my mother's age maybe about 62-years-old. In conclusion, I will now say this, I don't care if you won't speak to me for the rest of your life, I don't want you to die (Dementia leads to death) early or lose your mind from vaping - I'm telling you the truth in love... I love you! But, God loves you more than me. Get help and stop smoking. By Catherine Davis Listen & Study Services Related Video