Politics stinks but I like this kid
I wish he was my son!!!! I'd be so proud of him! My goodness his parents are raising him to think for his self!
What are your thoughts on what he said? I disagree with voting for Trump; however, you have to admit, what he said is spot-on! It's too bad that people have harassed this young guy to the point that he felt that he had to defend his self in such a profound and public way! I'm sure glad he did. Now maybe those who messed with him will see that they cannot bully him and make him stop exercising his 'Human Rights to think for himself'!
Scientist Crack Me Up
Considering that the world has so many brilliant minds, I can't understand how most of those people are against the idea that someone with an even more BRILLIANT mind than theirs must have created all we see in the world.
What am I getting at? Well, take this little fishy here in the image below, "Scientist are stumped and don't know what type of fish it is!" Read how they debate over its features and possible fish relations. Click the link below: Little girl loves her naturally curly hair
As a child, I remember calling my sister, who is three years younger than I, steel wool. I've since hugged her and told her how sorry that I acted like that. ALL of us foster children used to call her that! Why???? I don't understand where that idea came from. What's odd is, we both had really long hair like this little girl.
This is so refreshing to see this beautiful angel loving herself natural curls and all. White guy telling racist whites off
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What to do if police pull you over
I really wish you all the best in life! Be safe; especially if you are a conceal carrier!
Hate homework this much?
These teens bring back memories of school and college days! As a matter of fact, I kind of remember my fellow students telling me to be quiet a few times! Hahaha. Lolssss. Good laughs.
Child pedophilia and pornography - Europe![]() The exploitation of children all around the world will never cease as long as the world exist! Some how we've come to see pedophile men (And 2-3 percent of women in America) as mentally ill. However, in spite of this known medical description given to those sick twisted individuals, an enormous global majority hold to their personal opinions that pedophiliacs are not mentally ill but evil. If you don't believe this, do a search for statistics regarding public opinion on pedophiliacs. And thus, I ask, "Do you blame the general public for calling those so-called humans evil?" I mean, people cannot help but watch as many pedo's repeatedly go back to jail (the recidivism- rate at which sex offender are convicted and sent back to prison for a sexual crime). According to Stephanie Smith a former deputy prosecutor from Indiana who prosecuted cases of child maltreatment includes [sic] sexual abuse,
The above article reports how Christians put a stop to Germany's decision to allow this atrocity. Unfortunately, my Facebook friend who posted this article to his timeline is not convinced that Germany is telling the truth regarding its policy put into place to stop this book from being translated and spread outside of Europe.
By Catherine Davis What's wrong with you introvert?Decade after decade new generations of introverts become adult introverts. Of those introverts, many have come out of hiding and have voiced their opinions regarding their introvertism status.
How do I know this? I am an introvert. My daughter is an extreme introvert. But don't get our condition twisted as if something is wrong with us. Nothing could be farther from the truth about us! She and I both love people and being around them. Yes, we love being around people; however, there are limits to how long we can stand being around groups of people. Think of an introvert like this, "To explain, I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I believe most adults know their emotional limit when it comes to crowds or even something like house guest who have over-stayed their welcome! We'll, introverts feel this way more frequently!" People tend to mentally drain us far quicker than they do the average person. In order to recharge, we must get far away and recharge. Introverts are thinkers, educators, nurturers, and more to our loved ones, friends, and even strangers. We cannot help it; we were born this way. You can't change us. And, if you try to change us, you'll be met with an abrupt protest of silence. So my friend, if you want to get some where with an introvert, tell that person that you understand how he/she needs space and understanding, and that that's exactly what you're going to give him or her. You'll not insist that they go out to socialize when they've told you, "Not tonight" - maybe this weekend instead. You won't keep talking when you plainly see how exhausted he or she is. Please stop inviting her to parties where there will be lots of people (especially people with little to nothing in common). Conclusion: Some of us introverts in the global population are more introverted than others; but we are all introverts non-the-less. We enjoy one-on-one more than big social engagements; I feel this is me for the most part. Maybe I feel this way because I like communicating on a more deeper level and despise shallow relationships. Neither am I in for small talk amongst friends (strangers this behavior is okay). When I am in a crowd, I find that there are too many conversations going on at once; I can't keep up. And, I don't just want to pretend to listen! So, I (we) need you to respect my (our) decision to remain introverted okay! Okay. Kenny JayLoaded, my facebook friend, is an introvert and talks about his experience: Visit his fb page |