By Catherine Davis | July 08, 2021
Commentator, Chief Editor, L&SS
Listen & Study Services' Commentary:
So did you try this exercise/brain-game? I did! Did you master it? Believe me, I stink at it!!! I tried unsuccessfully doing it at least five times.
I scooched as far back in the straight-back chair as I could get after my second try at the game.
Finally, in my heartbreaking defeat, I surrendered and vowed to never try this award mind bending exercise game for the rest of my life! I WILL NOT BE MOCKED BY A GAME! LOLsssss!
I wonder if there is some kind of reasoning behind why so many people aren't able to stop the leg from switching directions?
Well, if you were successful at this game, please share your experience with us by leaving a comment below, and don't forget to check out the other brain game - the link is also below:
The Source:
Funny leg and arm game
Commentator, Chief Editor, L&SS
Listen & Study Services' Commentary:
So did you try this exercise/brain-game? I did! Did you master it? Believe me, I stink at it!!! I tried unsuccessfully doing it at least five times.
I scooched as far back in the straight-back chair as I could get after my second try at the game.
Finally, in my heartbreaking defeat, I surrendered and vowed to never try this award mind bending exercise game for the rest of my life! I WILL NOT BE MOCKED BY A GAME! LOLsssss!
I wonder if there is some kind of reasoning behind why so many people aren't able to stop the leg from switching directions?
Well, if you were successful at this game, please share your experience with us by leaving a comment below, and don't forget to check out the other brain game - the link is also below:
The Source:
Funny leg and arm game
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