- Virtual Office Administration Services
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- L&SS Subscription Memberships
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- Premium Subscription (LIMITED) Membership - Pay Monthly Annual Subscription
Premium Subscription (LIMITED) Membership - Pay Monthly Annual Subscription
*Special Note: For PBWNS, there will be a 24-HOUR wait from purchase 'TIL
(Before Game-Day). $1.00 (adjusted not prorated) back if you subscribe at the 4th week in a month! In other words, you pay $5.00 the following month to start or renew your subscription.
L&SS Exclusive Subscriber (Limited) Membership Includes:
This$5.00s will total to $60.00s -An Annual Subscription Membership which entitles you to>>> access L&SS's Comprehensive List of Social Media Networks (Use them to advertise your business (Or, We could do this for you also) or for personal use), (L&SS') Listen & Study Services' Private Papaly account (Where we bookmark Social Media Networks and App Links) which includes detailed information as to what they are about, Links to the best Website Developer Tools, Free Social Media Marketing & Management Training, Links to Discounts from L&SS's Business Account, as well as links to other exclusive perks such as our exclusive moneymaking partnerships.
More L&SS Subscriber Member Perks:
*L&SS Subscriber Members are entitled to the following services at no extra cost: One Drill Me Session or Business Consultation = 15-minute Drill Session of any type.(Drill Session Policy).
Here are some examples of your ONE Subscriber Member Virtual Assistant Service Choice:
*You'll receive (One) 15-minute day of non-exhaustive Personalized Research Project (Good for blog posts or ad copy) – This service must be used but not exceed 1 year from membership time of purchase!
Once you've used up your 1-year Subscriber Member Subscription services, You'll need to purchase another L&SS service at full price but you can keep using the other subscription benefits until your subscription expires. View Our Services...
*Or, choose a one (1 to 5-page) Typing Project (View our Typing Project Policy)! – includes up to 15 minutes research time total = 1 hour total per project! These Typing Projects = 1 hour maximum stretched out 12 months or one in a month depending on your Typing Project. For example, you’ll receive one Typing Project -one per month or we’ll present one to you within or between one and 12 months – "No exceptions to this rule!" If you use up your Typing Project before 12 months expires, you'll receive half-off One Virtual Office Assistant Service. Request a Half-Off Code to be emailed to your email address on file. Use this half off service to complete your subscription year.
** With an UNLIMITED L&SS Subscription Membership you'd receive half off our services once your subscription services run out.
We provide one more extra perk, Powerball Lottery Game Winning or drawn Number Search. This is our thank you for supporting Listen & Study Services.
We've done the research for you and found your winning number which cannot be drawn again; however, you keep paying for it hoping to do so!
Powerball Game Winning Number Search (An L&SS Subscriber Member Perk):
1) The $60.00 Annual Subscriber Members only has LIMITED Access to specific L&SS services; thus must pay half price for those services.
2) This (Plan) is a 1-year Membership and a Month-to-Month $5.00 payment Subscriber Membership Plan. *We reserve all rights to deny you services once you miss a payment unless you pay for previous payment(s) in full.
3) You may purchase another $5.00 Month to Month Annual L&SS Subscription Member Service once your subscription expires and/or you've exhausted your allotted Virtual Assistant Services; however, you may also simply pay full price for an L&SS service.
4) For $5.00 (Per Month) you will be able to log on and search on game days only! (From 9AM until 9AM the next morning). LOG IN or PURCHASE HERE
*You'll receive One Virtual Assistant Service!
Recaps & Note Worthy Mentions!!!!!:
*Subscriber Members are discounted at half-off our current rates after one year of paid subscription services are used up. Request an 'Half - Off Code' be sent to your email address on file. This is to help you finish your annual subscription & cannot be transferred to any other person.
****Disclaimer(s): For Typing Projects w/research, Chat AI may be used as a reference point; however, all of our Typing Projects are mostly human inspired.
*In addition to all of the above perks, you’ll have access to 1 L&SS Virtual Office Assistant service for 12 months. Rules Apply.
Example of one L&SS Virtual Assistant Service:
*Subscriber/Member! You have one 1 (1-hour Drill Session of your Choice) - Not to exceed 1 year. If this is your L&SS Virtual Assistant Service of choice!
*After your Virtual Assistant Service is exhausted, you may purchase another one at half the price. Request an 'Half-Off Code' be sent to your email address on file.
*Special Note: Subscriber Memberships renew - Annually!
*Once you've exhausted your 'Half-off' Subscriber Membership (Good only for the rest of your original Subscriber Membership), you can renew for another year.
Cancel at any time. A refund will be issued if none of your Service(s) were used in the month of purchase and/or at all.
Become an L&SS Subscriber Member and receive a one-month free Virtual Assistant Service!
Disclaimer: L&SS Customers, this service is good only for 1 hour/day Monday-Friday and must not exceed 20 hours/month. L&SS reserves the right to reschedule your hour of ______________________, etc... If 20 hours (80 hrs in total) are exceeded, you may purchase another month at full price unless you have an L&SS Subscription Membership, in which case, you'd purchase another of this service at half-off the current price. Request an half-off code to be emailed to the email on file. - Purchase the Exclusive SM description below:
For Half the price, this service is included with your paid annual L&SS's Exclusive-Subscription-Membership; if this is your One annual L&SS Service of choice!
Visit Virtual Assistant:
Disclaimer: This price does not include the following L&SS Services:
- Recurring Annual Premium Subscription Membership $60.00
- Typing/Keying Project $60.00 - $80.00
- Bookkeeping $60.00/hour