By Catherine Davis | 1.12.17
Commentator, Chief Editor, L&SS
Society has a major problem with failing to stop or slowing down the sex offender recidivism rate.
I'm not making this statement based on this man's latest sex offense, I'm referring to the fact that he was so difficult to keep up with. His location was unknown to his probation officer. And, as most informed adults know, this criminal is not the only one.
In my scenario, this assailant is my sole proof that sex offenders are, in great numbers, going to prison and coming out and repeating those same crimes against citizens. Why do I make this statement? You may ask! I make this statement because he couldn't possibly be the only sex offender to ever repeat the crime of sexual assault! The very thought of such an idea is laughable when everybody knows that sex offenses are high in many countries.
Therefore, I must deduce that since I don't believe the man in this article is some sort of evil genius and was able to be excluded from mainstream news media, criminal databases, and sex offender records, he is one of the thousands of repeat offenders roaming around wreaking havoc in society!
I wish I may, I wish I might, "Have my wish I wish tonight!" I wish that evil demons like this creep could stay locked up forever!
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