The information designer Nicholas Felton [former facebook employee] likes data: the more data, the better. That’s why for a number of years, he has released a compilation of information that he has collected and analyzed about himself, including where he’s gone, the books he’s read and whom he’s talked to." A Life in Data: Nicholas Felton's Self-Surveillance By AXEL GERDAU Page up'd 11.1.2022
Can't get enough of Social Media no matter how hard you try?
There's a cure for that right here on L&SS Information Symmetry! Find on this page: All the current Social Media news, happenings, reports, and statistics to help you make an informed decision regarding Social Media. You can start finding out valuable facts on this page, or, you could start HERE and become Wowed! Listen & Study Service Staff Ctrl + D to Bookmark this pageThere is so much knowledge on Social Media websites these days, we thought we would sort out the 'Most Pertinent' knowledge to present to you! After all, your time should be spent enjoying what you're reading or watching via videos rather than sifting through time consuming useless information!
So, here you go, our (Listen & Study Services') quick links to 'Pertinent' social media topics on one of our favorite Social Media Websites: [ NEW ] Scroll down to view: There it is TikTok Fans:
The US Government Is Set To Ban TikTok January 19th, 2025
Social Media Network Stats
Facebook Statistics 2.96 billion monthly users- (MAUs) as of September 30, 2022, an increase of 2% year-over-year. • Ad impressions and price. . Source: Instagram Statistics Total Number of Monthly Active Instagram Users: 2 billion + Last updated: December 2021. Instagram is growing steadily and is soon expected to cross 2 billion active users by 2023: (It already has since we're in December 2022). Source: YouTube Statistics Total Number of Monthly Active YouTube Users: As of the fourth quarter of 2021, the YouTube 2.5 billion monthly active users (MAU) worldwide. Source: People also ask: What is the most popular social network in the US? Leading social media websites in the United States as of September 2022, based on share of visits: Is Facebook U.S. market share of leading social media websites 2022 Published by S. Dixon, Oct 4, 2022 In September 2022, Facebook accounted for around 64 percent of all social media site visits in the United States, confirming its position as the leading social media website by far. Source: Search Engine Results: Which social media platforms have the most active users? Facebook is the social media platform with the most active users and ranks among the most-used social media apps. Furthermore, 27 percent of Android users worldwide use the Facebook app daily. More than 200 million businesses use Facebook tools. And more than seven million advertisers also actively promote their business on Facebook. Top 6 Most Popular Social Media Source: Search for: What is the most popular social media site? What is the most popular social networking app? Whatsapp is now (2022) the most popular social media app among Source: Some Listen & Study Services' Social Media choices: YouTube Tumblr Imgur Register your email on this site and See Our Full List: HERE or Partial List HERE List of Social Media sites & Phone Apps Please be patient with us as we update our list of social media websites! Telegram Rumble Clouthub Fubar (Alcohol related) Minds Mastodon fanbase Lemon8 Blue Sky Ning SingSnap vBulletin Balatarin BibSonomy Bitty Browser Blogger BlogMarks Buffer Copy Link Diary.Ru Diaspora Digg Diigo Douban Draugiem Evernote Fark Flipboard Folkd Google Classroom Hacker News Hatena Houzz Instapaper Kakao PushtoKindle Known Line LiveJournal Mail.Ru Mastodon Mendeley Meneame MeWe Teams Mixi MySpace Odnoklassniki Papaly Pinboard Plurk Print PrintFriendly Pusha Qzone RediffMyPage Refind SinaWeibo SiteJot Skype Slashdot SMS Snapchat StockTwits SvejoSymbaloo Bookmarks Threema Trello Twiddla TypePadPost Viber VK WeChat WordPress Wykop XING Yahoo Mail Yummly Scroll All The Way Down To View Our Enormous List of Social Media Plateforms Social Media Similar To REDDIT Popurls | popular urls to the latest web buzz | what people are clicking on today All the links to the latest information and news on the web. similarity: popularity: news aggregator web2.0 links sinternet rss blog technology daily Mixx - Latest news and top videos and photos from around the web News, photo, and video sharing. similarity: popularity: news web2.0 social aggregator socialnetworking community tagging media socialmedia blog Jaanix What is Jaanix? 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*Enormous List of Popular Social Media*
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23snaps parents save photos, videos, measurements and stories of their children 2012 Streaming user-curated playlists 2008 social networking site 2009 Amazon Music is a music streaming platform and online music store operated by Amazon 2008 Amikumu Language learners - is a cross-platform app for smartphones (Android and iOS) which can be used to find people nearby who speak or learn the same languages as the user 2017 aNobii Books 2006 aSmallWorld European jet set and social elite world-wide 2004 Athlinks Running, Swimming 2001 is a mobile community application that facilitates group communication. Bebo General July 2005 is a live streaming platform owned by a Singapore-based Bigo Technology, which was founded in 2014 BlackPlanet is an African-American social networking service for matchmaking and job postings; it also has forums for discussion on political and social issues 2001 Bored Panda is a Lithuanian website that publishes articles about "lightweight and inoffensive topics". It was founded in 2009 Busuu Language learning community (headquartered in Madrid, Spain) 2008 Buzznet Music and pop-culture 2005 CafeMom Mothers December 2006 CaringBridge Not for profit providing free websites that connect family and friends during a serious health event, care and recovery 1997. Chess players. School, college, work and the military 1995
CouchSurfing Worldwide network for making connections between travelers and the communities they visit.2003 Crunchyroll Anime and forums. 2006 Cucumbertown Networking for Cooks 2012 Cyworld General Popular in South Korea 2009 DailyStrength Medical & emotional support community - Physical health, Mental health, Support groups 2007 Delicious Social bookmarking allowing users to locate and save websites that match their own interests September 2003 DeviantART Art community 2000 is a nonprofit, user-owned, distributed Decentralized social network, privacy aware, general (open source). It consists of a group of independently owned nodes which interoperate to form the network 2010 Discord is a VoIP and instant messaging social platform. Users have the ability to communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities called "servers" 2015 Dol2day Politic community, Social network, Internet radio (German-speaking countries) 2000 DontStayIn Clubbing (primarily UK) 2000 Elftown Community and wiki around Fantasy and sci-fi 2002 English, baby! Students and teachers of English as a second language 2000 Epernicus For research scientist. eToro Social Investing, Finance 2007 Faceparty General. Popular UK. Adult Social Network, Mainly UK & USA 2011 Fark is a news aggregator and an edited social networking news site, as well as a community website created by Drew Curtis that allows members to comment on a daily batch of news articles and other items from various websites. The site receives many story submissions per day and approximately 100 of them are publicly displayed on the site, spread out over the main page as well as topical tabs that are organized as entertainment, sports, geek, politics and business) 1999 Filmow Movies and TV Series 2009 Flickr Photo sharing, commenting, photography related networking, worldwide 2004 Flipboard Flipboard is a news aggregator and social network aggregation company based in Palo Alto, California, with offices in New York, Vancouver, and Bejiing 2010 Flixster is an American social-networking movie website for discovering new movies, learning about movies, and meeting others with similar tastes in movies, currently owned by parent company Fandango 2006 Fotki Photo sharing, video hosting, photo contests, journals, forums, flexible privacy protection, friend's feed, audio comments and unlimited custom design integration 1998 Fotolog Photoblogging. Popular in South America and Spain 2002 Foursquare Location based mobile social network 2009 Friendica Distributed social network, federated, privacy aware, open source, general. It forms one part of the Fediverse, an interconnected and decentralized network of independently operated servers 2022 Frühstückstreff General July 2001 Gaia Online Anime and games. Popular in USA, Canada and Europe 2003 Families, genealogy 2007 Goodreads Library cataloging, book lovers 2006 Goodwizz Social network with matchmaking and personality games to find new contacts. Global, based in France 2010 hi5 General. Popular in Nepal, Mongolia, Thailand, Romania, Jamaica, Central Africa, Portugal and Latin America. Not very popular in the USA 2003 Hub Culture Global influencers focused on worth creation 2002 imgur is an American online image sharing and image hosting service with a focus on social gossip that was founded by Alan Schaaf in 2009 Instagram Is a photo and video sharing social networking service owned by American company Meta Platforms. The app allows users to upload media that can be edited with filters and organized by hashtags and geographical tagging 2010 IRC-Galleria is a social networking website in Finland. It was founded in December 2000 Language learning social networkitalki is an online language learning platform which connects language learners and teachers through video chat. The site allows students to find online teachers for 1-on-1 tutoring with 100+ languages 2007 Kaixin001 General in Simplified Chinese; caters for mainland China users 2008 is a music website using a music recommender system called "Audioscrobbler", builds a detailed profile of each user's musical taste by recording details of the tracks the user listens to, either from Internet radio stations, or the user's computer or many portable music devices. This information is transferred ("scrobbled") to's database either via the music player (including, among others, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, MusicBee, SoundCloud, and Anghami) or via a plug-in installed into the user's music player. The data is then displayed on the user's profile page and compiled to create reference pages for individual artists 2002. LibraryThing LibraryThing is a social cataloging web application for storing and sharing book catalogs and various types of book metadata. It is used by authors, individuals, libraries, and publishers. Book lovers 2005 LinkedIn Business and professional networking 2003. LiveJournal Blogging. Popular in Russia and among the Russian-speaking diaspora abroad. 1999 Mastodon is free and open-source software for running self-hosted social networking services. It has microblogging features similar to Twitter, which are offered by a large number of independently run nodes, known as instances, each with its own code of conduct, terms of service, privacy policy, privacy options, and content moderation policies 2016 Medium is an American online publishing platform owned by A Medium Corporation. The platform is an example of social journalism 2012 MEETin General Meetup (website) General. Used to plan offline meetings for people interested in various activities. (Closed 2021 but reopened on Facebook)
MicrosoftTeams is a proprietary business communication platform developed by Microsoft, as part of the Microsoft 365 family of products 2017 MocoSpace is a mobile social network. The features of the site are similar to other social networking sites. Features include mobile games, chat, instant messaging, eCards, and photos. Worldwide 2005 Myspace is a social networking service based in the United States. The site was the first social network to reach a global audience, and had a significant influence on technology, pop culture and music 2003 Onlygames offers online games for free and is available to players in five languages: Polish, English, French, German and Spanish (Year Launched?) Nexopia is a Canadian social networking website created in 2003, by 18-year old Timo Ewalds. It was designed for ages 14 and up, but was later lowered to 13. Users are able to create and design profiles, a friends list, blogs, galleries, and compose articles and forums. Interaction is accomplished through an internal personal messaging system, public user comments on profiles, blogs or through threads and posts on the forums 2012 For baby boomers and mature internet users age 40 and beyond (Year founded Unknown) Orkut General. Owned by Google Inc - Popular in India and Brazil. Papaly is a cloud based personalized start page that is a bookmark manager for users. You’re able to sync with multiple computers and platforms 2016 PatientsLikeMe Online community for patients with life-changing illnesses to find other patients like them, share their data with others, and learn more about their condition to improve their outcome 2006.
Partyflock Dutch virtual community for people interested in house music and other electronic dance music 2001 local news and information platform, As of January 2022 Patch is an American local news and information platform, primarily owned by Hale Global. As of January 2022, Patch's more than 100 journalists operated some 1,259 hyperlocal news websites, which also have an information component, in 50 U.S. states and Washington, D.C 2007 Pinterest Online pinboard for organizing and sharing things you love 2011. Playfire Computer and video games (Playfire is now @greenman gaming) (Date founded Unknown) Posthaven is the safe place for all your posts forever Just write. Posthaven is the blogging platform designed to outlive us. Up to 10 blogs for $5/mo Get started (Year founded Unknown) Quora is a social question-and-answer website and online knowledge market. Users can collaborate by editing questions and commenting on answers that have been submitted by other users. As of 2020, the website was visited by 300 million users a month 2009Ravelry is a free social networking service and website that functions as an organizational tool for a variety of fiber arts, including knitting, crocheting, spinning and weaving. Members share projects, ideas, and their collection of yarn, fiber and tools via various components of the site 2007 Refind Every day we pick 5 links from around the web that make you smarter, tailored to your experiences (Date Founded Unknown) ReverbNation Social network for musician and bands 2006
Sgrouples (MeWe) is a global social media and social networking service owned by Sgrouples, a company based in Los Angeles, California. The site's interface has been described as similar to that of Facebook, although the service describes itself as the "anti-Facebook" due to its focus on data privacy 2012 Skyrock is a social networking site based in France that offers a free space on the web to allow its users to create blogs, add profiles, and exchange messages with other registered members. Social Network in French-speaking world 2002 SoundCloud Repository of original music pieces and networking. Stage 32 US-based social network and educational site for creative professionals in film, television and theater 2012
StumbleUpon (Now Mix) Stumble through websites that match users' selected interests. Tagged General 2004 The Sphere A Private Online Social Luxury Network with Exclusive Personalized Services 2008. Spotify Spotify is a proprietary Swedish audio streaming and media services provider founded on 23 April 2006
Therr is a space to share content at various geographic locations and connect with other users while traveling the globe or even just walking around your local community 2018 Travellerspoint is a travel and social networking site for people who want to learn from or share experiences with other travellers. Members of the site participate through forums, blogs, photo galleries and a wiki travel guide, similar to Wikivoyage 2002 (A Mastodon Server now) In November 2022, a new Mastodon (software) server was brought up under the domain name, Features [ edit] Anyone could register as a new tribe user, and then define their immediate network of friends, either by choosing from existing members or by inviting new members to join (Date founded Unknown) Tumblr Microblogging platform and Social Networking Website. Twitter Micro-blogging, RSS, an online social media and social networking service owned and operated by American company Twitter, Inc., on which users send and respond publicly or privately 280-character-long messages, images and videos known as "tweets". Registered users can tweet, like, 'retweet' tweets and direct message (DM), while unregistered users only have the ability to view public tweets. Users interact with Twitter through browser or mobile frontend software, or programmatically via its APIs 2006. Wattpad For readers and authors to interact & e-book sharing 2006
We Heart It Image-based social network focused on inspiration, expression, and creativity is an image-based social network. We Heart It describes itself as "A home for your inspiration" and a place to "Organize and share the things you love."[1] Users can collect (or "heart") their favorite images to share with friends and organize into collections. Users can access the site through a web browser or We Heart It's iOS and Android mobile apps 2008 Yammer Social networking for office colleagues 2008.
Social Media FAQ Sheet:
See how each one is doing
CouchSurfing Worldwide network for making connections between travelers and the communities they visit.2003 Crunchyroll Anime and forums. 2006 Cucumbertown Networking for Cooks 2012 Cyworld General Popular in South Korea 2009 DailyStrength Medical & emotional support community - Physical health, Mental health, Support groups 2007 Delicious Social bookmarking allowing users to locate and save websites that match their own interests September 2003 DeviantART Art community 2000 is a nonprofit, user-owned, distributed Decentralized social network, privacy aware, general (open source). It consists of a group of independently owned nodes which interoperate to form the network 2010 Discord is a VoIP and instant messaging social platform. Users have the ability to communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities called "servers" 2015 Dol2day Politic community, Social network, Internet radio (German-speaking countries) 2000 DontStayIn Clubbing (primarily UK) 2000 Elftown Community and wiki around Fantasy and sci-fi 2002 English, baby! Students and teachers of English as a second language 2000 Epernicus For research scientist. eToro Social Investing, Finance 2007 Faceparty General. Popular UK. Adult Social Network, Mainly UK & USA 2011 Fark is a news aggregator and an edited social networking news site, as well as a community website created by Drew Curtis that allows members to comment on a daily batch of news articles and other items from various websites. The site receives many story submissions per day and approximately 100 of them are publicly displayed on the site, spread out over the main page as well as topical tabs that are organized as entertainment, sports, geek, politics and business) 1999 Filmow Movies and TV Series 2009 Flickr Photo sharing, commenting, photography related networking, worldwide 2004 Flipboard Flipboard is a news aggregator and social network aggregation company based in Palo Alto, California, with offices in New York, Vancouver, and Bejiing 2010 Flixster is an American social-networking movie website for discovering new movies, learning about movies, and meeting others with similar tastes in movies, currently owned by parent company Fandango 2006 Fotki Photo sharing, video hosting, photo contests, journals, forums, flexible privacy protection, friend's feed, audio comments and unlimited custom design integration 1998 Fotolog Photoblogging. Popular in South America and Spain 2002 Foursquare Location based mobile social network 2009 Friendica Distributed social network, federated, privacy aware, open source, general. It forms one part of the Fediverse, an interconnected and decentralized network of independently operated servers 2022 Frühstückstreff General July 2001 Gaia Online Anime and games. Popular in USA, Canada and Europe 2003 Families, genealogy 2007 Goodreads Library cataloging, book lovers 2006 Goodwizz Social network with matchmaking and personality games to find new contacts. Global, based in France 2010 hi5 General. Popular in Nepal, Mongolia, Thailand, Romania, Jamaica, Central Africa, Portugal and Latin America. Not very popular in the USA 2003 Hub Culture Global influencers focused on worth creation 2002 imgur is an American online image sharing and image hosting service with a focus on social gossip that was founded by Alan Schaaf in 2009 Instagram Is a photo and video sharing social networking service owned by American company Meta Platforms. The app allows users to upload media that can be edited with filters and organized by hashtags and geographical tagging 2010 IRC-Galleria is a social networking website in Finland. It was founded in December 2000 Language learning social networkitalki is an online language learning platform which connects language learners and teachers through video chat. The site allows students to find online teachers for 1-on-1 tutoring with 100+ languages 2007 Kaixin001 General in Simplified Chinese; caters for mainland China users 2008 is a music website using a music recommender system called "Audioscrobbler", builds a detailed profile of each user's musical taste by recording details of the tracks the user listens to, either from Internet radio stations, or the user's computer or many portable music devices. This information is transferred ("scrobbled") to's database either via the music player (including, among others, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, MusicBee, SoundCloud, and Anghami) or via a plug-in installed into the user's music player. The data is then displayed on the user's profile page and compiled to create reference pages for individual artists 2002. LibraryThing LibraryThing is a social cataloging web application for storing and sharing book catalogs and various types of book metadata. It is used by authors, individuals, libraries, and publishers. Book lovers 2005 LinkedIn Business and professional networking 2003. LiveJournal Blogging. Popular in Russia and among the Russian-speaking diaspora abroad. 1999 Mastodon is free and open-source software for running self-hosted social networking services. It has microblogging features similar to Twitter, which are offered by a large number of independently run nodes, known as instances, each with its own code of conduct, terms of service, privacy policy, privacy options, and content moderation policies 2016 Medium is an American online publishing platform owned by A Medium Corporation. The platform is an example of social journalism 2012 MEETin General Meetup (website) General. Used to plan offline meetings for people interested in various activities. (Closed 2021 but reopened on Facebook)
MicrosoftTeams is a proprietary business communication platform developed by Microsoft, as part of the Microsoft 365 family of products 2017 MocoSpace is a mobile social network. The features of the site are similar to other social networking sites. Features include mobile games, chat, instant messaging, eCards, and photos. Worldwide 2005 Myspace is a social networking service based in the United States. The site was the first social network to reach a global audience, and had a significant influence on technology, pop culture and music 2003 Onlygames offers online games for free and is available to players in five languages: Polish, English, French, German and Spanish (Year Launched?) Nexopia is a Canadian social networking website created in 2003, by 18-year old Timo Ewalds. It was designed for ages 14 and up, but was later lowered to 13. Users are able to create and design profiles, a friends list, blogs, galleries, and compose articles and forums. Interaction is accomplished through an internal personal messaging system, public user comments on profiles, blogs or through threads and posts on the forums 2012 For baby boomers and mature internet users age 40 and beyond (Year founded Unknown) Orkut General. Owned by Google Inc - Popular in India and Brazil. Papaly is a cloud based personalized start page that is a bookmark manager for users. You’re able to sync with multiple computers and platforms 2016 PatientsLikeMe Online community for patients with life-changing illnesses to find other patients like them, share their data with others, and learn more about their condition to improve their outcome 2006.
Partyflock Dutch virtual community for people interested in house music and other electronic dance music 2001 local news and information platform, As of January 2022 Patch is an American local news and information platform, primarily owned by Hale Global. As of January 2022, Patch's more than 100 journalists operated some 1,259 hyperlocal news websites, which also have an information component, in 50 U.S. states and Washington, D.C 2007 Pinterest Online pinboard for organizing and sharing things you love 2011. Playfire Computer and video games (Playfire is now @greenman gaming) (Date founded Unknown) Posthaven is the safe place for all your posts forever Just write. Posthaven is the blogging platform designed to outlive us. Up to 10 blogs for $5/mo Get started (Year founded Unknown) Quora is a social question-and-answer website and online knowledge market. Users can collaborate by editing questions and commenting on answers that have been submitted by other users. As of 2020, the website was visited by 300 million users a month 2009Ravelry is a free social networking service and website that functions as an organizational tool for a variety of fiber arts, including knitting, crocheting, spinning and weaving. Members share projects, ideas, and their collection of yarn, fiber and tools via various components of the site 2007 Refind Every day we pick 5 links from around the web that make you smarter, tailored to your experiences (Date Founded Unknown) ReverbNation Social network for musician and bands 2006
Sgrouples (MeWe) is a global social media and social networking service owned by Sgrouples, a company based in Los Angeles, California. The site's interface has been described as similar to that of Facebook, although the service describes itself as the "anti-Facebook" due to its focus on data privacy 2012 Skyrock is a social networking site based in France that offers a free space on the web to allow its users to create blogs, add profiles, and exchange messages with other registered members. Social Network in French-speaking world 2002 SoundCloud Repository of original music pieces and networking. Stage 32 US-based social network and educational site for creative professionals in film, television and theater 2012
StumbleUpon (Now Mix) Stumble through websites that match users' selected interests. Tagged General 2004 The Sphere A Private Online Social Luxury Network with Exclusive Personalized Services 2008. Spotify Spotify is a proprietary Swedish audio streaming and media services provider founded on 23 April 2006
Therr is a space to share content at various geographic locations and connect with other users while traveling the globe or even just walking around your local community 2018 Travellerspoint is a travel and social networking site for people who want to learn from or share experiences with other travellers. Members of the site participate through forums, blogs, photo galleries and a wiki travel guide, similar to Wikivoyage 2002 (A Mastodon Server now) In November 2022, a new Mastodon (software) server was brought up under the domain name, Features [ edit] Anyone could register as a new tribe user, and then define their immediate network of friends, either by choosing from existing members or by inviting new members to join (Date founded Unknown) Tumblr Microblogging platform and Social Networking Website. Twitter Micro-blogging, RSS, an online social media and social networking service owned and operated by American company Twitter, Inc., on which users send and respond publicly or privately 280-character-long messages, images and videos known as "tweets". Registered users can tweet, like, 'retweet' tweets and direct message (DM), while unregistered users only have the ability to view public tweets. Users interact with Twitter through browser or mobile frontend software, or programmatically via its APIs 2006. Wattpad For readers and authors to interact & e-book sharing 2006
We Heart It Image-based social network focused on inspiration, expression, and creativity is an image-based social network. We Heart It describes itself as "A home for your inspiration" and a place to "Organize and share the things you love."[1] Users can collect (or "heart") their favorite images to share with friends and organize into collections. Users can access the site through a web browser or We Heart It's iOS and Android mobile apps 2008 Yammer Social networking for office colleagues 2008.
Social Media FAQ Sheet:
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*Hundreds More Popular Social Media - Wikipedia Stats*
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Wikipedia links -- 43 Things Goal setting and achievement 01/01/05 Social networking site for academics/researchers September 2008 Social networking site October 2009 Advogato Free and open source software developers 1999 aNobii Books 2006 AsianAvenue A social network for the Asian American community 1997 aSmallWorld European jet set and social elite world-wide March 2004 Athlinks Running, Swimming 2001 Independent music 2010 Bebo General July 2005 BlackPlanet Black Americans 09/01/99 Blauk Anyone who wants to tell something about a stranger or acquaintance. 2010 Blogging community 11/24/05 Busuu Language learning community (headquartered in Madrid, Spain) 05/16/08 Buzznet Music and pop-culture 2005 CafeMom Mothers December 2006 Care2 Green living and social activism 1998 CaringBridge Not for profit providing free websites that connect family and friends during a serious health event, care and recovery.[34] School, college, work and the military 1995 Cloob General. Popular in Iran 2004 CouchSurfing Worldwide network for making connections between travelers and the communities they visit. 2003 CozyCot East Asian and Southeast Asian women 2001 Faith Based social network for Christian believers from around the world 2008 Crunchyroll Anime and forums. 2006 Cucumbertown Networking for Cooks 2012 Cyworld General. Popular in South Korea. 02/13/09 DailyStrength Medical & emotional support community - Physical health, Mental health, Support groups 11/04/07 delicious Social bookmarking allowing users to locate and save websites that match their own interests September 2003 deviantART Art community 08/07/00 Diaspora* Decentralized, privacy aware, general (open source) November 2010 didlr Drawing service Disaboom People with disabilities (Amputee, cerebral palsy, MS, and other disabilities) Dol2day Politic community, Social network, Internet radio (German-speaking countries) DontStayIn Clubbing (primarily UK) General (primarily LV, LT, HU) douban Chinese Web 2.0 website providing user review and recommendation services for movies, books, and music. 2000[69] Elftown Community and wiki around Fantasy and sci-fi. Elixio Business executives jet set and global elite. July 2007 English, baby! Students and teachers of English as a second language 2000 Epernicus For research scientistsn. eToro Social Investing, Finance May 2007 Experience Project Life experiences Exploroo Travel Social Networking. Facebook General: Photos, Videos, Blogs, Apps. February 2004 Faceparty General. Popular UK. Adult Social Network, Mainly UK & USA 2011 FilmAffinity Movies and TV Series 2002 Filmow Movies and TV Series 2009 FledgeWing Entrepreneural community targeted towards worldwide university students Flixster Movies 2007 Flickr Photo sharing, commenting, photography related networking, worldwide February 2004 Business to Business, worldwide 2005Fotki Photo sharing, video hosting, photo contests, journals, forums, flexible privacy protection, friend's feed, audio comments and unlimited custom design integration. October 1998 Fotolog Photoblogging. Popular in South America and Spain 2002 Foursquare Location based mobile social network 2009 Friendica Distributed, federated, privacy aware, open source, general Friends Reunited UK based. School, college, work, sport and streets July 2000 Friendster General. Popular in Southeast Asia. No longer popular in the western world2002 Frühstückstreff General July 2001 FuelmyblogBlogging community July 2007 FullCircle. Geosocial networking and location-based services portal for mobile devices April 2009 Gaia Online Anime and games. Popular in USA, Canada and Europe. Moderately popular around Asia. GamerDNA Computer and video games 09/21/ Travel social network July 1998 Gather.comArticle, picture, and video sharing, as well as group discussions Families, genealogy 01/16/07 GetGlue Social network for entertainment 10/28/08 Gogoyoko Fair play in Music - Social networking site for musicians and music lovers Goodreads Library cataloging, book lovers December 2006 Goodwizz Social network with matchmaking and personality games to find new contacts. Global, based in France. October 2010 Google+ General 06/28/11GovLoop For people in and around government Poland Habbo General for teens. Over 31 communities worldwide. Chat room and user profiles. August 2000 hi5General. Popular in Nepal, Mongolia, Thailand, Romania, Jamaica, Central Africa, Portugal and Latin America. Not very popular in the USA. 2003 Hospitality Club Hospitality Hotlist Geo-Social Aggregator rooted in the concept of knowing where users' friends are, were, and will be. Social networking site for Human Resources professionals 1999 Hub Culture Global influencers focused on worth creation November 2002 Hyves General, mostly popular in the Netherlands. September 2004 IbiboTalent based social networking site that allows to promote one's self and also discover new talent. Most popular in India. Twitter-like service popular with hackers and software freedom advocates. Indaba Music Online collaboration for musicians, remix contests, and networking. Instagram A photo and video sharing site October 2010IRC-Galleria Finland Language learning social network. 100+ languages. Itsmy Mobile community worldwide, blogging, friends, personal TV-showsiWiW Hungary 04/14/02 Jaiku General. Microblogging. Owned by Google February 2006 Jiepang Location based mobile social network. In Chinese language 2010Kaixin001 General. In Simplified Chinese; caters for mainland China users Kiwibox General. 1999 Lafango Talent-Focused media sharing site LaiBhaari Marathi social networking 2010 Music 2002 LibraryThing Book lovers 08/29/05 Lifeknot Shared interests, hobbies LinkedIn Business and professional networking May 2003LinkExpats Social networking website for expatriates. 100+ countries. Listography Lists. Autobiography. LiveJournal Blogging. Popular in Russia and among the Russian-speaking diaspora abroad. 04/15/99 LivemochaOnline language learning Makeoutclub General 08/09/99 MEETin General Meetup (website) General. Used to plan offline meetings for people interested in various activities Meettheboss Business and Finance community, worldwide. mixi Japan 10/25/00MocoSpace mobile community, worldwide 2005 MOGMusic Social Network, social media, consumer reviews Mubi Auteur cinema. |
MyHeritage family-oriented social network service
MyLife Locating friends and family, keeping in touch (formerly My Opera Blogging, mobile blogging, photo sharing, connecting with friends, Opera Link and Opera Unite. Global Myspace General August 2003 School, college and friends. Popular in Poland Netlog General. Popular in Europe, Turkey, the Arab World and Canada's Québec province. Formerly known as Facebox and Redbox.[212] Nexopia Canada. For baby boomers and mature internet users age 40 and beyond. NGO Post Non-Profit news sharing and networking, mainly in India Ning Users create their own social websites and social networks 2005 (Networks 2007) Odnoklassniki Connect with old classmates. Popular in Russia and former Soviet republics Open Diary First online blogging community, founded in 1998 1998 Orkut General. Owned by Google Inc. Popular in India and Brazil. PatientsLikeMe Online community for patients with life-changing illnesses to find other patients like them, share their data with others, and learn more about their condition to improve their outcome. 2006 Partyflock Dutch virtual community for people interested in house music and other electronic dance music 11/10/01 Pingsta Collaborative platform for the world's Internetwork Experts Pinterest Online pinboard for organizing and sharing things you love 2011 Plaxo Aggregator Playfire Computer and video games General, Music Plurk Micro-blogging, RSS, updates. Very popular in Taiwan Poolwo Social networking site from India 01/07/14 Qapacity A business-oriented social networking site and a business directory. Qzone General. In Simplified Chinese; caters for mainland China users Raptr Video games Ravelry Knitting and crochet Renren Significant site in China. Was known as 校内 (Xiaonei) until August 2009. Social network for musician and bands Ryze Business ScienceStage Science-oriented multimedia platform and network for scientists Sgrouples General, with focus on privacy rights 05/16/12 ShareTheMusic Music Community. Sharing and listening to music for free and legally Shelfari Books 10/11/06 Sina Weibo Social microblogging site in Mainland China. 08/14/09 Skoob Collaborative social network for Brazilian readers 2009 Skyrock Social Network in French-speaking world SocialVibe Social Network for Charity General. Popular in Latin America and Spanish and Portuguese speaking regions. SoundCloud Repository of original music pieces and networking. Spaces Russian Social Network targeted to mobile phone users Social network for meeting people September 2013 Stage 32 US-based social network and educational site for creative professionals in film, television and theater February 2012 Stickam Live video streaming and chat. StudiVZ University students, mostly in the German-speaking countries. School students and those out of education sign up via its partner sites schülerVZ and meinVZ. Students Circle Network A Social Network connecting students, teachers and institutions to course resources, study groups and learning spaces. December 2010 StumbleUpon Stumble through websites that match users' selected interests Tagged General. October 2004 Talkbiznow Business networking Taltopia Online artistic community Taringa! General (primarily Argentina) TeachStreet Education / Learning / Teaching - More than 400 subjects TermWiki Learning / Languages / Translation - 1.2m terms in more than 1300 subjects May 2010 The Sphere A Private Online Social Luxury Network with Exclusive Personalized Services December 2008 Travel 2005 Travellerspoint Travel 2002 General French subsidiary of Tuenti Spanish-based university and High School social network. Tumblr Microblogging platform and Social Networking Website. Twitter General. Micro-blogging, RSS, updates 07/15/06 Tylted Mobile social game network[303] 2007 Vkontakte General, including music upload, listening and search. Popular in Russia and former Soviet republics. September 2006 Gothic and industrial subculture 1999 Viadeo Global Social Networking and Campus Networking available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Virb Social network that focuses heavily on artists, including musicians and photographers 2007 Vox Blogging Wattpad For readers and authors to interact & e-book sharing WAYN Travel and lifestyle May 2003 WeeWorld Teenagers - 9 to 17 We Heart It Image-based social network focused on inspiration, expression and creativity 2008 Wellwer Community without borders, where sharing is everything. September 2011 WeOurFamily General with emphasis on privacy and security Social polling network Wer-kennt-wen General weRead Books June 2007 Online community space for the social justice and environmental movement[326] April 2007 Wooxie Blogging and micro-blogging Site networking inmates, friends, family September 2000 Xanga Blogs and "metro" areas Unknown XING Business (primarily Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)) Xt3 Catholic social networking, created for World Youth Day 2008 Yammer Social networking for office colleagues 2008 Yelp, Inc. Local Business Review and Talk Greek Web Meeting point 2004 Zooppa Source: Social Media FAQ Sheet: See how each one is doing Source: Wikipedia - A List of virtual communities with more than 100 million active users |